
Barley wine. Offers balanced sweetness, roasted caramel and a rounded bitterness
A delicious traditional porter with a full bodied taste of chocolate, coffee, blackcurrant and black cherry with a good aroma. A near black colour with a good white head when served through a tight sparkler.
Pale bitter
Golden bitter
Light brown and hugely aromatic due to liberal use of West Coast America's finest Brewers Gold hops.
'Double' IPA.
This complex multi layered ale has a floral hop aroma with medium bodied hop, bitter taste with some fruit and sweetness.r
Whiskey cask aged imperial stout
A golden bitter with floral citric hop aroma. It has a hoppy predominate taste which is slightly sweet and fruity and leaves you wanting more.
Imperial Stout. Burnt, bitter and sweet. Savory and warming, full bodied and complex.
Rich golden premium bitter
Post modern classic pale ale
Luscious, malt-rich, full bodied
Mysterious, deep red beer with plentiful hop character and a long, bittersweet finish.
Chestnut premium bitter
A wolf in sheep’s clothing – an easy-to-drink dark strong ale.
It is amber in colour with a large malt taste, and high elements of fruit. A superb brew with a large hop finish. It is defiantly not in the back row.
Hearty, mahogany colored ale
A chestnut coloured premium ale brewed with the traditional Maris Otter English malt and Fuggles and Goldings hops. Malty and fruity palate and aroma with a smooth bitter finish.
Quite sweet with some roasted malt undertones
Egyptian Beer
Dark ruby strong bitter
Famous, festive and dangerous pale ale. Most agreeable.
Humlet Ale