
Cartoons 156 questions.
Pub quiz question 3897 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Character/Show
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Count Duckula, Nanny
  4. Notes: *: 1988-1993
  5. Categories: 1980s (5) 1990s (5) Entertainment (5) Children (5) Cartoons (5) Television (5)
Pub quiz question 7587 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What links: Walter the Softy; Donald Duck; Hercule Poirot; 2nd, 3rd and 11th incarnations of the Doctor?
  2. Answer: A: Fictional bow tie wearers
  3. Categories: Connections (7) Entertainment (7) Literature (7) Television (7) Cartoons (7)
Pub quiz question 3960 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Show/Character
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Willo the Wisp, Mavis Cruet
  4. Notes: *: 1981
  5. Categories: 1980s (5) Children (5) Cartoons (5) Entertainment (5) Television (5)
  6. Times used:
Pub quiz question 5923 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: In 2012, which town in Oregon was first named, then repealed as the basis of The Simpsons?
  2. Answer: A: Springfield
  3. Categories: Current Affairs (3) Entertainment (3) Television (3) Cartoons (3) Children (3)
  4. Times used:
Pub quiz question 9308 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: In what capital would you find The Little Mermaid statue?
  2. Answer: A: Copenhagen
  3. Categories: Geography (7) Media (7) Entertainment (7) Cartoons (7)
Pub quiz question 4347 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Character
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Patrick Star
  4. Categories: Cartoons (2) 1990s (2) 2000s (2) 2010s (2) Children (2) Spongebob (2)
Pub quiz question 9335 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: In Scooby-Doo, what is Shaggy's real name?
  2. Answer: A: Norville Rogers
  3. Categories: Cartoons (6) Children (6) Television (7) Entertainment (7)
Pub quiz question 3021 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Character
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Prince (Charming)
  4. Notes: *: He was never actually given a name in Cinderella, 1950 Voiced by William Phipps
  5. Categories: Children (5) Cartoons (5) 1950s (5) Disney (5)
Pub quiz question 4348 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Character
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Pearl Krabs
  4. Categories: Cartoons (5) 1990s (5) 2000s (5) 2010s (5) Children (5) Spongebob (5)
Pub quiz question 8425 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: Which cartoon character lives in a pineapple under the sea?
  2. Answer: A: Spongebob Squarepants
  3. Categories: Television (1) Cartoons (1) Children (1)