
GI 11 questions.
General Ignorance
Pub quiz question 4192 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What is the main ingredient of air?
  2. Answer: A: nitrogen
  3. Notes: *: 1x04. Klaxon answers: Oxygen, carbon dioxide
  4. Categories: QI (3) Science (3) GI (3)
Pub quiz question 4183 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What is the name of the capital city of Thailand?
  2. Answer: A: Krung Thep
  3. Notes: *: 1x02. Klaxon answer: Bangkok
  4. Categories: QI (4) GI (4) Geography (6)
Pub quiz question 4186 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What man-made artifacts can be seen from the moon with the naked eye?
  2. Answer: A: Nothing man-made can be seen.
  3. Notes: *: 1x02. Klaxon answer: Great Wall of China
  4. Categories: QI (3) GI (3) Science (5)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 4187 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What is the longest animal in the world?
  2. Answer: A: Lion's mane jellyfish
  3. Notes: *: 1x03. Klaxon answer: Blue Whale. Fry incorrectly states that they the tendrils can grow up to 200ft, but the longest one discovered was only 120ft. Still longer than a blue whale though.
  4. Categories: QI (4) GI (4) Nature (7) Biology (7)
Pub quiz question 4190 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What provides more than 50% of the Earth's oxygen?
  2. Answer: A: Algae
  3. Notes: *: 1x03. Klaxon answer: Trees
  4. Categories: Nature (6) Science (6) QI (4) GI (4)
Pub quiz question 4191 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Where is the driest place on Earth?
  2. Answer: A: Dry Valleys region, Antartica
  3. Notes: *: 1x03. Klaxon answer: Sahara Desert. The average annual rainfall is less than two inches, about the same as the Sahara, but the Dry Valleys, are free from ice and snow, and which haven't seen rain for two million years.
  4. Categories: GI (4) QI (4) Geography (6)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 4189 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What did Atlas carry on his shoulders?
  2. Answer: A: The sky/heavens
  3. Notes: *: 1x03. Klaxon answer: the earth.
  4. Categories: Mythology (3) QI (3) GI (3)
Pub quiz question 4197 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: A chameleon changes colour to match what?
  2. Answer: A: Mood/temperature/emotion
  3. Notes: *: 1x04. Klaxon answer: Environment/background.
  4. Categories: QI (3) GI (3) Nature (4) Biology (4)
Pub quiz question 4184 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: To the nearest thousand, how many brides walked down the aisle in Britain last year?
  2. Answer: A: Zero.
  3. Notes: *: 1x02 Klaxon answer: Anything that isn't zero. The aisles in a church are either side of the nave, not down the middle.
  4. Categories: Religion (6) QI (3) GI (3)
Pub quiz question 4193 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Which town did Charles Dickens describe as "the dullest and most stupid spot on the face of the earth?"
  2. Answer: A: Chelmsford
  3. Notes: *: 1x04
  4. Categories: Literature (7) Geography (7) GI (4) QI (4) Quotations (7)