
QI 35 questions.
Quite Interesting
Pub quiz question 4175 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Identify the following animal: "They puff out their hair like a cat, raise one front foot and then hop menacingly from side to side, roaring with all the fury of a clogged drain."
  2. Answer: A: Anteater
  3. Notes: *: 1x01. Part of the elaborate play sequences of young giant anteaters, which is known as "bluff charging".
  4. Categories: QI (5) Biology (9) Nature (9)
Pub quiz question 4187 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What is the longest animal in the world?
  2. Answer: A: Lion's mane jellyfish
  3. Notes: *: 1x03. Klaxon answer: Blue Whale. Fry incorrectly states that they the tendrils can grow up to 200ft, but the longest one discovered was only 120ft. Still longer than a blue whale though.
  4. Categories: QI (4) GI (4) Nature (7) Biology (7)
Pub quiz question 4177 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What is the capital of Lithuania?
  2. Answer: A: Vilnius
  3. Notes: *: 1x01
  4. Categories: QI (5) Geography (8)
Pub quiz question 4181 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Which of these would you choose to defend yourself against an alligator with? A) Paperclip. B) Crocodile clip. C) Paper bag. D) Handbag. E) Rubber band.
  2. Answer: A: Rubber band
  3. Notes: *: 1x02. An aligator's jaw muscles are only strong when closing - they're very weak for opening
  4. Categories: QI (1) Nature (3) Biology (3)
Pub quiz question 4182 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What is the name of Earth's second moon that was discovered in 1986?
  2. Answer: A: Cruithne (Pron. croo-EEN-yeh)
  3. Notes: *: 1x02. Fry incorrectly stated it was discovered in 1994
  4. Categories: Science (7) QI (4) Astronomy (7)
Pub quiz question 4167 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: After the flood, God gave Noah the right to do what to sheep? A right which he denied to Adam.
  2. Answer: A: Eat them
  3. Notes: *: 1x01. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were vegetarians, told by God to eat fruit and vegetables only. It was only after the Great Flood, when God made a new covenant with Noah, and said, "Every living thing that moves will be yours to eat."
  4. Categories: Food (2) QI (3) Religion (4) Biology (3)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 4171 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Why does the actor Edward Woodward have four "d's" in his name?
  2. Answer: A: Because if he didn't he'd be Ewar WooWoo.
  3. Notes: *: 1x01
  4. Categories: QI (1)
Pub quiz question 4190 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What provides more than 50% of the Earth's oxygen?
  2. Answer: A: Algae
  3. Notes: *: 1x03. Klaxon answer: Trees
  4. Categories: Nature (6) Science (6) QI (4) GI (4)
Pub quiz question 4191 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Where is the driest place on Earth?
  2. Answer: A: Dry Valleys region, Antartica
  3. Notes: *: 1x03. Klaxon answer: Sahara Desert. The average annual rainfall is less than two inches, about the same as the Sahara, but the Dry Valleys, are free from ice and snow, and which haven't seen rain for two million years.
  4. Categories: GI (4) QI (4) Geography (6)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 4166 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: When was Gustav Mahler born and when did he die?
  2. Answer: A: 1860-1911
  3. Notes: *: 1x01
  4. Categories: QI (9) Music (9)